This is the least important part and does not really matter what kind of food you cook but I advise you cook the best thing you can that you will not burn. Cooking the best food you can won’t make a difference if half of it is burned. This part won’t cost a lot so just keep cooking whatever foods you want until 60.
For this part, I advise you cook salmon but if you have a lot of money, I would strongly recommend cooking tuna because it will go even faster but hold off on the lobsters because chances are, you might burn a number of them.
Salmon = 9, 140 (roughly 780k)
Tuna = 8, 226 (roughly 1.2m)
This part may make you quit if you lack patience. At this level, you can no longer burn lobsters which would be the best option here but continuing with tuna or salmon would be sufficient if you did not have much money.
Salmon = 27, 795 (roughly 2.4m)
Tuna = 25, 016 (roughly 3.6m)
Losters = 20, 846 (roughly 7.9m)
For those of you who have little patience, this part might make you quit seeing as it is the longest and most important part of getting 99 cooking. For free players, I advise you cook swordfish all the way to 99 since you can’t burn them. As for members, you may cook either monkfish or shark but both will require cooking gloves (obtainable from Family Crest Quest) if you hope to succcessfully cook lots of them. Monkfish and shark are the fastest options but may cost you quite a bit.
Swordfish = 67, 405 (roughly 38m)
Monkfish (with cooking gloves) = 62, 911 (roughly 36.5m)
Shark (with cooking gloves) = 44, 937 (roughly 67.5m)
Note: After cooking the fish, sell them and buy more fish, otherwise the prices above will be what you would pay without that cycle.
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